Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1999). He has taken specialization courses in Tax Law at FGV-RJ (2005) and at Paulo de Barros Institution, RJ (2004).
He worked for Embratel from 2000 to 2004, advising the company in important tax discussions in the telecommunications sector. In the year 2001, worked as a lawyer at WorldCom and UUNET, located in Washington D.C., USA.
Rodrigo Damázio M. Ferreira was tax manager at Telemig Celular in 2004 and 2005, being responsible for the consulting and planning area of the group. In 2006, joined the Ulhôa, Canto Rezende e Guerra Advogados law firm, and was later elected partner and director. In 2015, became a partner at Demarest, being elected senior partner in the year 2018. Rodrigo was responsible for Demarest’s entire tax sector in Rio de Janeiro, including the areas of administrative and court litigation and consulting in direct and indirect taxes, with active participation in the higher courts.
Since 2022, is a senior partner at Trouw Fraga Advogados and one of the responsible for the firm’s tax sector. He works in the areas of administrative and judicial litigation and consulting, including tax planning.
Elected Director of Brazilian Association of Tax Law (ABDF).
Member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) and of Brazilian Association of Tax Studies of Telecommunications Companies.
Lecturer at various events and seminars, including International Congresses. Co-author of several articles connected with Tax Law, including, as an example: (i) “ICMS and the Supply of Cards, Chips or the like, Spatial and Temporal Aspects” (Telecommunications Law – São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2006); (ii) “The Illegality of the Collection of Remuneration Instituted by Municipal Decrees of Rio de Janeiro N. 18,627, of 05.23.2000, 26,905, of 08.17.2006 and 28,002, of 04.30.2007″ (Tributação dos Serviços de Comunicação – São Paulo: Noeses, 2009); and (iii) ” O Supremo Tribunal Federal e o conceito de serviço tributável pelo ISSQN” (The Federal Supreme Court and the concept of service taxable by ISSQN) (Tax Law Subjects: in honor of Gilberto de Ulhôa Canto – Belo Horizonte: Arraes Editores, 2020).
Awarded as “Indirect Tax Leader” in the year 2018 and “Highly Regarded – Indirect Tax” in the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 by the renowned International Tax Review – World Tax.
Selected in the years 2020 and 2021 for the tax area by the “11th Edition of The Best Lawyers™ in Brazil” and the “12th Edition of The Best Lawyers in Brazil”.
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